Saturday, July 16, 2016

Reflections of an Undergrad

DAY 1:
1. I have so much to learn.
2. To learn I will become a sponge.
3. Perhaps a barnacle... I'll stick to people and watch and learn with them.
4. Snorkeling in Eilat doesn't really require a snorkel. The water is so clear!
5. Air conditioning is my favorite invention.
6. Tridacna hunting = long walks on the beach.

Before and after tank cleaning. Karen's Experiment.
Clean tanks/setup for coral incubation. Karen's experiment.
Gallery of Corals & Shells. Find the Tridacnas... Dan's Experiment.

4. Corals are calcium skeletons. Polyps are the live bits.
5. Corals poop. A LOT.
6. Perfecting the art of suction cleaning is challenging. I am getting there. I will win.

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